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sLang Coffee
What Is sLang Coffee?
sLang Coffee is a minimalist website. It's an incomplete information, but it's constantly being improved. This website contains all the necessary information about the coffee world.
The sLang Coffee is a website which are created by different individuals or organizations. sLang Coffee website includes information from Nestcafé India and Peropesis websites.
In website project (slang.coffee) the information provided is a copyright work. Copyright (C) sLang Coffee. You may copy, distribute and modify it following Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International, (CC BY-SA 4.0) license terms.
Possible ways to collaborate or express yourself by participating in the development of the sLang Coffe project:
1. Notification of errors found in the website. Providing a solution on how the existing errors in the website could be fixed.
2. Providing a relevant solution, that would optimize or expand the functional properties of individual areas of the sLang Coffee website.
3. Preparing a relevant chapter for Coffee Culture.
4. Preparing a relevant word for sLang Coffee.
5. Another one.
Comments, questions, and suggestions are welcomed by email: info(at)slang.coffee.